Contact person
Linda Wickstrom

Big Issue Invest, the investment arm of Big Issue Group, supports social enterprises and charities to deliver social, economic and environmental impact across the UK. 

Since 2005 we have supported hundreds of organisations with £80+ million in funding. Our investments are tailored to fit the needs of our investees, who we work closely with throughout their journey to grow and deliver positive impact for individuals, in their local communities and wider society.
We offer a range of repayable finance options, from loans as small as £20,000 to larger investments of up to £4 million. Alongside this we offer investment-readiness grants, corporate mentoring, impact measurement and a dedicated account manager support to help your organisation make the most of the investment.
To find out more about the Big Issue Invest and our investment options, visit us on 

Our Funds

Growth Impact Fund

The Growth Impact Fund offers businesses investment and support to entrepreneurs to grow their impact and sales. They support organisations with diverse representation at board and leadership level.

Impact Loans England

Through our Impact Loans England programme, Big Issue Invest is offering loan finance between £20,000 and £400,000 to social enterprises and charities in England. Some of our funds also have non-repayable grant layers included of up to 20%.

London Housing Fund

With support from the Greater London Authority, Big Issue Invest launched a £10 million Fund to finance the provision of new affordable housing in London.

Social Impact Debt Fund IV

The Big Issue Invest Social Impact Debt Fund IV lends £1m-£4m to established socially impactful organisations in the UK, with a history of revenue generation, profitability, and assets to support secured debt.

Our Case Studies

Image shows 3 people behind the desk at a cafe
Cafe van Gogh

Café van Gogh is a restaurant with a social and environmental mission in Brixton. Apart from serving delicious vegan and seasonally changing food, the restaurant also provides employment and training opportunities for people additional needs, like learning disabilities and mental health challenges.

3 years (extended to 5 due to the pandemic)
Cost of capital
Amount invested
£19,200 (unsecured)
Big Issue Invest
  • Product type
    Unsecured loan (incl. overdrafts)

Wolverton Communtiy Energy - outside of a building with solar panels on
Wolverton Community Energy

Wolverton Community Energy are based in Milton Keynes. They develop and manage community-owned solar PV and supply greener, cheaper solar energy to local businesses, the majority of which are charities and social enterprises. In addition, they run projects which help to improve energy efficiency within their community. This includes the Home Energy MK programme, supporting homeowners wishing to stop heat loss from their homes and cut energy costs.

14 years
Cost of capital
Amount invested
Big Issue Invest
  • Product type
    Blended – part grant, part loan

Readipop Studio

Established in 1998, Readipop is an innovative music and arts charity with a strong reputation for inspirational, engaging arts projects that make a positive difference in people's lives.

They provide access to music for vulnerable young people from hard-to-reach areas, including young offenders, the long-term unemployed, Special Educational Needs students, individuals from pupil referral units, and those who are not able to access conventional education. Their music leaders empower young people to learn and improve their music skills; helping them gain confidence in their chosen area and achieve their own goals while improving their emotional and social wellbeing. Readipop work closely with a whole host of other locally based community music programmes and projects to maximise reach and impact.


10 years
Cost of capital
Amount invested
Big Issue Invest
  • Product type
    Secured loan