What was their challenge?
Since 2018 Operation Future Hope has been educating young people in schools about ecological and environmental challenges, enabling students to recognise that urgent action is needed, and inspiring the next generation to get involved with the restoration, regeneration, and rewilding of the natural world.

They needed to raise the funds necessary to take their education programme nationwide, to rewild Britain's schools and inspire, equip and support more young people to care for the natural world.
What was the support you provided / offered
Training - Through The Crowdfunding Coach we were able to piece together a bespoke crowdfunding workshop for their team, to help them understand exactly how crowdfunding worked and how they might use it to great effect. Over the course of the preparation of their campaign we conducted a number of 1-2-1s over zoom to support them with its development.

Match funding - We were able to identify and encourage the successful application to two corporate match funders who suited their goals and who could help them to reach their target.

Planning - We helped them to research and develop a crowdfunding network of individuals, organisations, community groups and media opportunities to help promote and support their campaign.

Creating - We were able to guide them on exactly how to construct a crowdfunding page and video that could both educate on the subject of rewilding and inspire their audience to give. We offered plenty of advice to help their team select a range of appropriate rewards that would appleal to their audience.

Running - We helped them to craft a marketing strategy across the 4 week duration of their crowdfunding campaign, detailing a range of promotional activities that would achieve the necessary number of page visits to get their campaign funded.
What was the impact or outcome of support?
In a 30 day crowdfunding campaign Operation Future Hope raised a total of £27,742, including £14,808 in match funding.
The coaching provided excellent advice and instruction about how to run a successful crowdfunding campaign. I felt my confidence build throughout the preparation of the campaign and felt genuinely inspired to 'go for it' in the knowledge that the support, skills and tools are available to achieve our goals. Bertie is extremely professional and an excellent crowdfunding coach. Would highly recommend him to anyone seeking to run a crowdfunding campaign.
Lesley Malpas