Test your social investment knowledge with our quick, easy and fun quiz

Welcome to our Social Investment Quiz! Test your knowledge and learn more about the world of social investment with this quick, easy, and fun quiz. Whether you're a seasoned social finance professional or just starting out, this quiz will challenge your understanding and provide valuable insights into social finance. Based on your score, you can opt into an educational journey through a series of emails tailored to help you deepen your understanding of social investment.


What's Next?  

We will send you a series of emails to help deepen your learning about social investment. In the meantime, feel free to explore the many tools available on our website, such as...

Tool #1 – Is It Right For You?  

Our Is It Right For Us tool takes just two-minutes to complete and will help you to determine whether or not social investment is an avenue worth exploring for your organisation. If it is, it’ll provide suggestions for what to do next and if it’s not, it’ll signpost to some resources that might help you to prepare for social investment.  

Tool #2 – The Cost Of Capital 

Understanding the financial costs of social investment on your business with our quick and easy to use 'Cost Of Capital Calculator'. Estimate the total cost and monthly repayments to make better financial planning decisions.

Tool #3 – Measure your Social Impact  

The Outcomes Matrix is a fantastic starting point for planning and measuring the social impact you create in terms of Outcomes. Covering measures for nine different outcome areas and four lenses for service users, there’s just four steps to go through before downloading your own unique matrix, which can be used to communicate your impact with social investors and other key stakeholders. 

Tool #4 – Find your Social Investor Match 

Use our Fundmapper Tool to start searching and contacting social investors that may want to use their capital to support your organisation’s vision and mission. You can filter your search by location, social issue, amount required and type to ensure you find the social investors that are most suitable and aligned with your organisation.