Friday 8th March is International Women’s Day. At Good Finance, we wanted to spotlight and celebrate the fantastic women working within social investment in one way or another, with a particular focus on those we haven’t yet heard from.
Our 'UK regional and national spotlight' campaign focuses on ‘Place’, spotlighting the power of social investment from each and every corner of the UK. Today, we’re spotlighting the North East...
Our 'UK regional and national spotlight' campaign focuses on ‘Place’, spotlighting the power of social investment from each and every corner of the UK. Today, we’re spotlighting Greater London...
To celebrate Social Enterprise Day, we’ve put together a short blog that takes you through the world of social enterprise. From learning more about ‘what is a social enterprise’ to useful tips and inspiring case-studies – grab a cuppa, and enjoy!
Team Good Finance went international last week at the Social Enterprise World Forum 2023 in Amsterdam. Here’s our key reflections of the event in the context of social investment…
In September, Good Finance partnered with the Diversity Forum and the Connect Fund to deliver the Addressing Imbalance Hackathon – a fast-paced day of brainstorming solutions to tackle the challenges under-represented leaders and communities face disproportionately around accessing social investment...