Contact person
Alun Jones
0300 111 0124

Social Investment Cymru is part of Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) and provides a range of repayable finance to social enterprises in Wales.

We have been supporting social enterprises in Wales financially for the past 10 years, where they have been unable to secure funding through conventional banking channels. We invest in organisations that are expanding their income-generating activities through the delivery of new or expanded services and products. Traditional loan funding can be secured or unsecured and for up to £250,000 over periods of up to 25 years. They are all available to social businesses who aim to support their communities and tackle the key social issues in Wales

WCVA supports and represents the third sector in Wales by offering training and volunteering opportunities, advice and guidance as well as funding. WCVA and Social Investment Cymru want a future where the third sector and volunteering thrive across Wales, improving wellbeing for all.

Our Funds

Communities Investment Fund

Communities Investment Fund (CIF) is a long running fund that has supported dozens of social businesses in Wales to grow through the provision of millions of pounds of social investment loan finance.

Micro Business Loan Fund

The Fund is investing a total of £6 million in small loans until 2022, with Social Investment Cymru managing access to these fund for social businesses in Wales.

Our Case Studies


A community owned business using regenerative ocean farming, food security and sustainable job creation to improve both the coastal environment and the well-being of the local community.

12 Months
Cost of capital
Amount invested
Social Investment Cymru
  • Product type
    Unsecured loan (incl. overdrafts)

Prom Ally CIC
Prom Ally CIC

Prom Ally offers the free loan of prom dresses and suits to school children, sixth form students and college students who otherwise couldn't afford one. All outfits are used and either purchased from charity shops or donated directly. Prom Ally has helped hundreds of girls since it began and has recently opened up to boys too offering suits in addition to the dresses.

10 years
Cost of capital
Amount invested
Social Investment Cymru
  • Product type
    Blended – part grant, part loan