Resultery Projects Cymru is a sports facility in Bettws. They provide a space for the community to enjoy a range of activities from sports clubs, dance to community gardening.
Cyfleuster chwaraeon ym Metws yw Resultery Projects Cymru. Maen nhw’n cynnig lle i’r gymuned wneud amrywiaeth o weithgareddau, o glybiau chwaraeon a dawns i arddio cymunedol.
When the directors took over the sports facility from the previous owners in 2023 they found the facilities in dilapidated and desolate condition. They were able to see that facility possessed untapped potential to become a centre of enjoyment for the community, as there was already foot traffic of young people using the old site for football and dance clubs.
Ar ôl cymryd y cyfleuster chwaraeon drosodd yn 2023, prynodd cyfarwyddwyr Resultery Projects Cymru yr eiddo. Roedd mewn cyflwr truenus ac wedi mynd â’i ben iddo, ond roedd ganddo’r potensial i fod yn ganolfan o fwynhad i’r gymuned oherwydd roedd eisoes llawer o bobl ifanc yn defnyddio’r safle i chwarae pêl-droed a mynychu clybiau dawns.
The directors decided to contact WCVA for funding to renovate the property into where it could stand as focal point of inspiration for the community as a community asset. They were funded by WCVA through Welsh Government’s Community Asset Loan Fund.
Penderfynodd y cyfarwyddwyr gysylltu ag CGGC i gael cyllid i adnewyddu’r eiddo i fod yn ganolbwynt o ysbrydoliaeth i’r gymuned fel ased cymunedol. Cawsant eu cyllido gan CGGC drwy Gronfa Benthyciadau Asedau Cymunedol Llywodraeth Cymru.
Revenue Model/ Model Refeniw
Hire of 3G football pitches and community buildings.
Llogi caeau pêl-droed 3G ac adeiladau cymunedol.
Impact/ Effaith
Resultery Projects Cymru stands at the heart of the community in Bettws where they now host several sports activities from taekwondo to football clubs to opening spaces for community gardening. Using social investment to support with the renovation of the facilities has meant that a previously dilapidated property has been transformed into a thriving space for the community. Activities such as taekwondo and football mean that young people can participate in sports, build skills and make friends fostering a greater sense of community. A community garden has provided a welcome space helping the local community to connect and contributing to people’s overall wellbeing.
Mae Resultery Projects Cymru yn ganolog i gymuned Betws, lle maen nhw bellach yn cynnal nifer o weithgareddau chwaraeon, o taekwondo i glybiau pêl-droed i agor mannau ar gyfer garddio cymunedol. Mae defnyddio buddsoddiad cymdeithasol i gynorthwyo â’r gwaith o adnewyddu’r cyfleusterau wedi golygu bod eiddo a oedd wedi mynd â’i ben iddo wedi’i drawsnewid yn ofod ffyniannus i’r gymuned. Diolch i weithgareddau fel taekwondo a phêl-droed, gall pobl ifanc gymryd rhan mewn chwaraeon, adeiladu sgiliau a gwneud ffrindiau, gan feithrin mwy o ymdeimlad o gymuned. Mae gardd gymunedol wedi cynnig gofod croesawgar sy’n helpu’r gymuned i gysylltu, ac mae'n cyfrannu at lesiant cyffredinol pobl.
“There was a clear need for investment and development”
Adam Cox, Director, Resultery Projects Cymru
"Roedd angen glir am fuddsoddiad a datblygiad"
Adam Cox, Cyfarwyddwr, Resultery Projects CGGC
“This was one of those 'we've got to do this' proposals from the very start. What was such an important community facility had become so run down and neglected - it really wasn't right that young people should be expected to put up with such a poor quality setup. The ambition and passion of the team behind Resultery was really infectious and it's so rewarding to see how good everything looks now. We know they've not stopped yet!”
Alun Jones, Head of Social Investment, WCVA
“Roedd hwn yn un o’r cynigion ‘mae’n rhaid i ni wneud hyn’ o’r cychwyn cyntaf. Roedd cyfleuster cymunedol mor bwysig wedi cael ei esgeuluso ac yn adfeilio - nid oedd hi’n iawn fod pobl ifanc yn gorfod gwneud y tro â rhywle o ansawdd mor wael. Roedd uchelgais a brwdfrydedd y tîm y tu ôl i’r Resultery mor heintus ac mae gweld pa mor dda y mae popeth yn edrych nawr yn werth ei weld. Rydyn ni’n gwybod nad ydyn nhw wedi stopio eto!”
Alun Jones, Pennaeth Buddsoddi Cymdeithasol, CGGC