Corsham Gymnastics Academy

Corsham Gymnastics Academy (CGA) is an established gymnastics club based in Wiltshire. The club offers programmes that are inclusive to all from baby gym, pre-school, recreational and disability gymnastics which provide the opportunity for everyone to learn gymnastics.

5 Years
Cost of capital
Amount invested
Product type
Secured loan


Corsham Gymnastics Academy was established in 2012, and quickly outgrew its original non-dedicated facility at a leisure centre location in Chippenham. It’s inclusive ethos proved popular in the local community, and the club quickly built a large waiting list of young gymnasts which it could not service without moving to a larger dedicated space.


The club found a suitable facility at an industrial estate in the neighbouring town of Corsham and with investment from Club Capital, Corsham Gymnastics Academy moved into its first dedicated gymnastics facility, enabling them to expand their range of class delivery, and grow the number of gymnasts it was serving from 150 pre-investment to over 900 today (and still growing!).

Corsham is growing their community reach all the time, hoping to create further community links in 2024 by extending its reach into the large number of local retirement homes and encouraging residents to use the gymnastics facility. 


Income is generated from gymnastics classes and onsite coffee shop.


Gymnastics is recognised as providing structured development of physical literacy skills from an early age. Corsham works hard to ensure the facility and their classes are fully inclusive to all. The new larger, dedicated facility allows the club to provide a wider range of gymnastics classes to those with differing abilities and sensory needs. They also have a programme to enable access for children that are home schooled. 

The club intends to continue to expand and develop these parts of their offering in the coming months and years. 

“The Club Capital loan from British Gymnastics and Sporting Assets was key to CGA realising the clubs long awaited dream of having our own dedicated gymnastics facility.  Both British Gymnastics and Sporting Assets have been great with advice and guidance every step of the way.  We are now on our way to offering a large supportive gymnastics programme and excited to see what the future holds.  Thank you to the team at British Gymnastics and Sporting Assets.” 

Sue West, Club Manager

“It was great to work with Corsham Gymnastics Academy. They approached Club Capital for funding during the peak of the pandemic which presented significant challenges in attempting to get the investment over the line. Nonetheless, we were able to do so with the help of Sue’s dedicated team and their professional approach, and the club has now grown significantly since the funds for expansion were put in place.”

Paul Ebied, Investment Manager


Club Capital is a £10m social impact investment fund, backed by British Gymnastics, Sport England, Big Society Capital and the Bank Workers' Charity, and is the first of its kind to focus specifically on gymnastics. Sporting Assets are the Fund Manager.