In recent weeks, communities across the UK have been terrorised by far-right violence, racism and Islamophobia. In response we’ve seen people coming together in their thousands to counter the threat of violence, to stand together and oppose this. However while we see the media coverage of these events subsiding, many people and communities continue to experience a distinct fear.

Silhouette of a heart shape being held on a string by a clothing peg. The background shows the sun shining against a yellow sky

Racialised individuals, especially Muslims, are being targeted as they go about their daily lives. We know this impacts everyone differently, bringing fears for personal safety, concerns for families and communities, a loss of hope, and worries about the future. We stand in solidarity with our staff, users, learners, partners, and everyone who is affected by these distressing events.

It's heartbreaking to see communities, many of whom are already marginalised, being targeted. There have been systemic failings to address poverty and inequality in the UK. On the journey of striving towards systemic change, we must stand together against racism.

Good Finance remains committed to anti-racism, using our platform and voice to address and tackle imbalances in the sector. We have a longer journey ahead to dismantle the systems that create inequity and lead to injustice, and we recognise our role in that journey. At Good Finance, our mission has always been to be the trusted go-to place for all things social investment. This commitment extends to all our users, especially those who bear the brunt of racism, Islamophobia, and inequity. While there's much more we could say, for now, we want to share resources that support those responding to recent events and embracing anti-racism.

Practical Support and Information

  • Support and resources following the far-right riots | Race Equality Foundation offers guidance and support for communities impacted by far-right violence, aiming to promote recovery and resilience. Explore the resources here.
  • How to help Asylum Seekers and Refugees after riots across the UK | Big Issue provides practical advice on supporting asylum seekers and refugees in the wake of unrest, with a focus on community action and solidarity. Find the guide here.
  • Standing together against racist violence: support for communities of colour in the UK | Spark & Co provides resources and support for communities of colour facing racism, with a focus on empowering and protecting those affected. Read more here.
  • The Directory of Social Change provides a list of charities that offer support in the wake of far-right violent riots, highlighting organisations focused on assisting affected communities and promoting resilience. Learn more here.
  • Charity Commission statement in response to riots and public disorder | GOV.UK outlines the Charity Commission's position and guidance for charities in responding to public disorder and its aftermath. Read the statement here.

Communications and Responding to Racism

  • Essential framing principles for discussing far-right violence, focusing on how to address this sensitive issue effectively and responsibly in communication. Far Right Violence | A Messaging Guide - Google Docs
  • The Muslim Council of Britain's resource on Islamophobia defines it as a form of racism targeting Muslims, discusses its impact on society, and offers guidance on combating it through education and policy changes. For more information, visit the MCB's Islamophobia Resource.
  • The Race Equality Matters guide provides practical advice on how to effectively communicate about race and anti-racism in the workplace, fostering meaningful dialogue and promoting inclusivity. Read more here.
  • Show Racism the Red Card offers educational resources designed to help organisations and individuals address racism through clear communication and awareness-raising initiatives. Explore the resources here.
  • The Runnymede Trust has developed resources and guidelines on discussing race and racism, aimed at empowering communities and organisations to engage in effective anti-racist communication. Find the resources here.

Organisations to follow

  • Tell MAMA (Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks): A national project that monitors, records, and supports victims of Islamophobia.
  • Hope Not Hate: A campaign group that counters far-right extremism and promotes community resilience against hate.
  • The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB): The UK’s largest and most diverse national Muslim umbrella organisation, advocating against Islamophobia and promoting integration.
  • The Muslim Charities Forum is a network of British Muslim-led charities that collaborates to tackle poverty, support humanitarian efforts, and promote social justice both in the UK and internationally.
  • Runnymede Trust: An independent race equality think tank that addresses issues of Islamophobia and discrimination.