The Joseph Rowntree Foundation is an independent social change organisation that works to speed up and support the transition to a more equitable and just future, free from poverty, in which people and planet can flourish.
We are driven by the unshakeable belief that poverty can be solved in the UK. We focus on 4 themes of:
1) Work, technology and markets;
2) Care, family and relationships;
3) Housing and land; and,
4) Assets and wealth.
Since 2015, 5% (currently set at £20 million) of JRF’s endowment has been allocated to fund social investment. Our social investments are a mix of direct and fund investments, supporting organisations that further JRF’s overarching charitable mission through their operating activities. From 2015 through 2022, JRF committed c.£14.6 million to 32 social investments.